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Kondolanse til Papua Ny-Guinea

Følgende kondolansebudskap overbringes fra Hans Majestet Kong Harald til Papua Ny-Guineas generalguvernør, Hans Eksellense sir Bob Bofeng Dadae, i anledning jordskredet som har rammet landet.

His Excellency Sir Bob Bofeng Dadae
Governor-General of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea
Port Moresby


Your Excellency,

I was deeply saddened to learn of the landslide that caused such widespread destruction and claimed so many lives in Enga province of Papua New Guinea.

On behalf of myself and the people of Norway, I send you my deepfelt condolences and ask you to convey my condolences and my sympathy to those bereaved, to those otherwise afflicted by this terrible natural disaster, and to the people of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea.

Harald R




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