Organisations under the patronage of The Crown Prince
Royal patronage serves to raise public awareness of an organisation or a specific event that supports a worthy cause.
His Royal Highness Crown Prince Haakon is the patron of:
- 4H Norge – Norwegian 4H Organisation
- ANSA - Association of Norwegian Students Abroad
- The Norwegian Arctic Philharmonic
- The Christian Radich Sail Training Foundation
- The Ibsen Stage Festival
- Nordland Music Festival
- The Northern Light Festival
- The Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation
- The Norwegian Association of the Blind and Partially Sighted
- The Norwegian Association of the Deaf
- The Norwegian Association for the Hard of Hearing
- The Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Association
- The Norwegian Band Federation
- The Norwegian Festival of International Literature
- The Norwegian International Film Festival
- The Norwegian Life Saving Association
- The Norwegian Refugee Council
- Ridderrennet annual winter sports week for the visually and mobility impaired
- Stavanger Symphony Orchestra
- Ultima Oslo Contemporary Music Festival
- The Veterans' Association – Wounded in International Operations (SIOPS)
- Young Researchers Competition