Kondolanse til Chiles president
Følgjande kondolansebodskap er boren fram frå Hans Majestet Kong Harald til Chiles president, Hans Eksellense herr Gabriel Boric Font, i høve tidlegare president Sebastián Piñera sin bortgang og den pågåande brannkatastrofen.
His Excellency Mr Gabriel Boric Font
President of the Republic of Chile
Your Excellency,
I was deeply saddened to learn of the tragic accident in which the former President of the Republic of Chile, H.E. Mr Sebastián Piñera, perished.
On behalf of myself and the people of Norway, I extend my sincere condolences and ask you to convey my sympathy to his family and to the people of Chile.
I have also been following with great sadness the ongoing wildfires that have caused such widespread destruction and claimed so many lives. I send you my deepfelt condolences and ask you to convey my sympathy to the bereaved and to those otherwise afflicted by this terrible disaster.