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Kronprinsen uttrykker medfølelse

Hans Kongelige Høyhet Kronprins Haakon har sendt følgende kondolansebudskap til Hans Majestet Kong Tupou VI av Tonga etter vulkanutbruddet og den påfølgende tsunamien som har rammet øystaten hardt.


Your Majesty

I was saddened to learn about the devastation and destruction caused by the eruption of the Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha’apai volcano on 15 January and the subsequent tsunami.

I have fond memories of my visit to your country in 2019 – the warmth of your people, the beauty of your land. But I also recall the vulnerability of Tonga’s coastline and challenges related to extreme events.

On behalf of the Royal family and of the people of Norway, I wish to convey my deepest sympathy to Your Majesty, the rest of the Royal family and to the people of the Kingdom of Tonga at this difficult time.

Crown Prince


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